Eugene Doyle Eugene Doyle

Israel’s war on journalism. By Jeremy Rose.

Jeremy Rose is founding member of Alternative Jewish Voices. He responds to the mass killing of journalists by the Israeli army with this powerful article centred on the life of one journalist, Ahmed Alnaouq.

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Middle East Eugene Doyle Middle East Eugene Doyle

22 years in captivity. Free Palestine’s Mandela.

Marwan Barghouti. He is the most popular Palestinian leader alive today - and yet few people in the West even know his name. Absolutely no one in Gaza or the West Bank does not know him. That difference speaks volumes about who dominates the media narrative that we are spoon-fed every day.

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Middle East Eugene Doyle Middle East Eugene Doyle

It is time to de-demonise Hamas

Is Hamas a resistance or a terrorist movement? It is time for the West to stop demonising Hamas and understand, in their own words, what drives them. Hamas has the support of the majority of the Palestinian people who have lived through events far worse than October 7th - but with little support from the international community.

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Eugene Doyle Eugene Doyle

Annelle Sheline: the young woman who fired Joe Biden

When Middle East analyst Annelle Sheline turned her back on her dream job at the US State Department and resigned in protest this week at the US war on Gaza, she joined an elite group of human beings: those who have the courage of their convictions.

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Eugene Doyle Eugene Doyle

Winning director compares Gaza to Auschwitz

Winning director compares Gaza to Auschwitz

At the Oscars this week Jonathan Glazer went nuclear. The director of Zone of Interest, the Best Foreign Film, directly compared the Auschwitz death camp to what is happening in Gaza.

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Eugene Doyle Eugene Doyle

King Richard the Lionheart fights for Israel

It’s high time the Europeans and Americans climb down from their high horses. Let’s melt down all the statues of the American generals, the degenerate kings and the projects that shame our species.

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